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London baby!

In an attempt to expose Arthur to as many sights and sounds as possible, we decided to take him to the support one of our friends in the London Marathon. Arthur's first trip on the train! Arthur wasn't too sure of the moving floor at first, but as we would grow to learn, positive reinforcement and thanks to the bond we had built with him in the early

stages, he trusted us enough to give everything a go. He was awesome!

Having worked in London, and making that hour long commute everyday, I am used to fellow passengers avoiding eye-contact, listening to music, reading books anything but conversing...BUT with a Arthur in tow... people removed their headphones, closed their books and even moved a few seats closer. Admittedly, they had no interest in me or my husband but my puppy on the train lifted many a spirit! Just another one of the reasons I think dogs are the answer to most problems!

who could resist that face?

The day was busy and turned out to be hot... probably too hot for a puppy and was a owever, learning curve for us as new owners. However we had gone prepared, with water bottles, travel bowl, treats, food, umbrella (rain or shade - it is England after all!) and as he was still only little we were able to carry him when things looked like they may be a little too overwhelming.

We managed to spot our friend in the marathon without too much hanging around and give a little cheer and then headed to Regents Park for some dedicated puppy time. It was our day trip to London that made me realise how a dog can open up a whole new world for its owners - we spoke to more people, from all walks of life, in one day then we would in an entire month or even a year, all because of this little labradoodle puppy!

Perfecting the 'watch' command in Regents Park.

We had an amazing day and Arthur brought a smile to faces across London! By home time we were all happily exhausted and had already planned our next trip into London with some doggy friendly hot spots on the agenda!

sweet dreams Arthur!

BLOG POST COMING NEXT: Arthur's first audition!

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